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Green Infrastructure & Sustainability

Open Space & Landscape

The development will feature extensive areas of new landscaping likely to include wildflower grassland, shrubs and tree planting. The proposals will create a mosaic of connected and multifunctional spaces which will have both an ecological and amenity value for residents. 


The landscaping scheme will include the delivery of a locally equipped area of play located at the heart of the site.

Surface Water Drainage

The site is located in Flood Zone 1, thus it at a low risk of flooding, making it suitable for development. 


Sufficient space will be allocated within the proposed layout for water management, with the system capable of managing storms up to a 1 in 100 year event, plus allowance for climate change. New on-site Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) including an attenuation basin  and swales are proposed to manage surface water runoff and provide biodiversity and amenity benefits.

Our Approach to Sustainability & Biodiversity

As the UK’s largest housebuilder, we are committed to creating a positive environmental, social and economic legacy for future generations and we have a history of delivering high quality and sustainable homes and communities. 

Furthermore, when Barratt brings forward a development you can be certain that the ecological value of the land will be significantly increased, creating a legacy everyone can be proud of. This is exemplified by our multi- award winning Kingsbrook scheme in Aylesbury, delivered in partnership with the RSPB. 

In the last financial year alone, we created 372Ha of new landscaped open space, which is the equivalent of 532 football pitches.Our approach ensures:

  • Biodiversity enhancements are designed from the very beginning of the planning process. Barratts David Wilson is the only national housebuilder who has committed to providing 10% Biodiversity Net Gain on-site since January 2023 - a year ahead of the mandatory requirement through The Environment Act.

  • A minimum 30 years of future ecological management

  • Use of a suite of ecological solutions, already being rolled out nationally, including swift bricks, bat boxes and hedgehog highways

  • Careful selection of nature-friendly species for hedges, woodland, open spaces and shrub planting.

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