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Development Benefits

In preparing the proposals we have worked hard to design a scheme that can deliver new housing but also a package of community benefits. 


The following benefits can be attributed to the emerging proposals:

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Delivering much needed market and affordable housing at a site identified as suitable, available and achievable by the Council

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A mix of house types and sizes, catering for varied needs and creating sustainable community, including 20% affordable housing

Local Infrastructure

As required by Fenland District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and other statutory consultees (such as the NHS) our proposals will be supported by any necessary planning obligations and contributions towards local infrastructure such as additional school places, local healthcare improvements and local transport improvements.

The need for such improvements will be confirmed as part of the planning process, however, we would be happy to hear about what you think would be needed.

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2ha of land safeguarded for future primary education use. This land is of a size capable of providing a new larger village school


The development will support 117 direct and indirect construction jobs during the build out phase.

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Delivering safe accessible and high quality landscaped open spaces, including equipped children’s play area(s), natural green space  and other recreation opportunities for both new and existing resident

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Creating biodiversity enhancement through landscaping, new tree planting, Sustainable Drainage Systems and the introduction of substantial areas of public open spaces

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Enhancements to existing bus services through new/replacement shelters with real-time passenger information boards

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Around 212 economically active and employed residents could live at the development once built and occupied.


An estimated total annual household expenditure of £5.5million per annum once the development is built and fully occupied. Of this figure an estimated £2.3million per annum is anticipated to be spent on food, drink, leisure, clothes and household goods.

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Delivering strong foot and cycle connections, including a new footway along the site frontage and a clear foot/cycle route between the village and the employment land off Eldernell Lane

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Once fully occupied, the proposed development is estimated to generate £0.4million per annum in Council Tax receipts (2023/24 rates - Band D).

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